1985 Sok. Safer Park No. 48 Esenyurt, Istanbul


(+90) 545 540 0011

For Rent

Rent an apartment or house?

Looking for an apartment or house to rent can be stressful but with a few simple tips and information, you can ensure a good rental experience.
Do not worry, all that is required is to provide us with your request in terms of property type, number of rooms, and time period by filling in the form below, and we will take care of finding the right option for you.

Please fill out the form to provide you with details


    Rooms number:


    Rooms number:

    Fill out the field below with your request:

    Please fill no. to call you

    Fees of real estate rental

    The percentage of commission is 12% of the total yearly rent amount
    For example, monthly rent is 1000 TL, the commission will be (1000 TL × 12 months) × 12% = 1440 TL commission